The request to revise SPED 6503

Date: December 11, 2012
To: College of Education
From: Office of Academic Affairs
Approved On: November 20, 2012
Approved by: Graduate Council
Implementation Date: Summer 2013

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.

Catalog Copy

SPED 6503. Instructional Design in Special Education. (3) Prerequisites: Admission to the M.A.T. (phase II) or M.Ed. in Special Education program. Advanced instructional design for learners who have significant difficulty in performing academic tasks with typical instruction. The course provides students with a unified set of viable instructional design principles for evaluating or modifying curriculum. Application of these principles will ensure that the curriculum is accessible to a diverse group of learners. A field-based assignment of approximately 15 hours is required. (Fall, Spring)