The request to revise 15 EIST courses

Date: November 14, 2014
To: College of Education
From: Office of Academic Affairs
Approved On: November 5, 2014
Approved by: Graduate Council
Implementation Date: Summer 2015

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.

Catalog Copy

EIST 5100 Computer Applications Technology Integration in Education

Computer systems and software for enhancing teaching, learning, and educational management; evaluating, selecting, and integrating courseware; examining issues related to the appropriate selection, integration, and evaluation of technology in educational contexts. focus on current PC operating system, word processing, database, spreadsheet, presentation, Internet, e-mail, and multimedia software. (Fall, Spring)

EIST 6000 Topics in Instructional Systems Technology

Variable topics in Instructional Systems Technology. May include classroom and/or clinic experiences in the content area. May be repeated for credit with change of topic and permission of department.

EIST 6100 Reading in Foundations of Instructional Systems Technology

Contemporary issues and trends historical development of in instructional systems technology; an overview of including foundations in learning research theory, instructional systems analysis and design, requirements for instruction, task and needs analysis, learning situations and instructional design models, learner characteristics, technology hardware and software innovations and factors affecting the use of technology for learning. (Fall)

EIST 6101 The Adult Learnering Principles in Instructional Systems Technology

The examination of how people adults learn in a variety of instructional settings. Characteristics of the different adult learners will be examined. Students investigate several adult learning theoryies to as well as current trends and advancements in adult learning. Making inform better instructional design decisions and media selection for the education and training of adults. (Fall Summer)

EIST 6102

Readings in Research in Instructional Systems Technology

Current issues and trends in instructional systems technology research including instructional systems design, requirements for instruction, task and needs analysis, learning situations and instructional models, learner characteristics, hardware and software innovations, assessing instructional outcomes, and factors affecting utilization. Students apply methodological approaches to solve problems and enhance practice. (On demand)

EIST 6110 Instructional Design

Prerequisites: EDUC 6100 and RSCH 6101. Instructional analysis, Ddesign and evaluation principles and practices; gaining practical experience applying theoretical understandings of instructional design principles and processes such as are included and examine gGoal and task analysis, learner and context analysis, of audience, flow chart development, instructional strategies, selection and development of instructional materials, and formative and summative evaluation. (Spring)

EIST 6120 Current Trends in Instructional Systems Technology

The examination of current and future trends in Instructional Systems Technologyand Human Performance Consulting. Students also examine the most current literature in the field and instructional technology professional organization trends and recommendations. (Fall, Summer)

EIST 6130 Instructional Multimedia Development Part I

Planning, developing, and evaluating instructional multimedia products based on learning principles and research-based best practices. An introduction to the instructional development process using design team roles of instructional designer, evaluator, technical writer, media support person, and project manager; students develop an instructional materials package (module) to meet a simulated need. (Fall)

EIST 6135 Learning Media, Resources and Technology

Selection, use, and evaluation of technological innovations in instructional media. Students learn to make professionally sound decisions in selecting appropriate processes and resources to provide optimal conditions for learning based on principles, theories, and effective practices. (Spring)

EIST 6140 Instructional Video Development Part II

Planning, developing, and evaluating instructional video products based on learning principles and research-based best practices. Prerequisite: EIST 6130. Practical application of the instructional development process using design team roles of instructional designer, evaluator, technical writer, media support person, and project manager; students develop an instructional materials package (module) to meet a real need. (Spring)(Fall)

EIST 6491 Internship and Seminar in Instructional Systems Technology Part I

Application of knowledge and skills in instructional systems technology so as to create appropriate applications of processes and technologies to improve learning and performance. in a cooperating setting on or off campus; also includes a seminar.

EIST 8000 Topics in Instructional Systems Technology.

Variable topics in Instructional Systems Technology. As a doctoral course, emphasis will be placed on the theories that ground Instructional Systems Technology and how the theories inform research and practice in the field. Differentiated activities and assignments will be provided for doctoral students.May include classroom and/or clinic experiences in the content area. May be repeated for credit with change of topic and permission of department. (On demand)

EIST 8100 Reading in Foundations of Instructional Systems Technology.

Contemporary issues and trends historical development of in instructional systems technology; an overview of including foundations in learning research theory, instructional systems analysis and design, requirements for instruction, task and needs analysis, learning situations and instructional design models, learner characteristics, technology hardware and software innovations and factors affecting the use of technology for learning. As a doctoral course, emphasis will be placed on the theories that ground Instructional Systems Technology and how the theories inform research and practice in the field. Differentiated activities and assignments will be provided for doctoral students. (On demand)

EIST 8102

Readings in Research in Instructional Systems Technology

Current issues and trends in instructional systems technology research including instructional systems design, requirements for instruction, task and needs analysis, learning situations and instructional models, learner characteristics, hardware and software innovations, assessing instructional outcomes, and factors affecting utilization. Students apply methodological approaches to solve problems and enhance practice. As a doctoral course, emphasis will be placed on the theories that ground Instructional Systems Technology and how the theories inform research and practice in the field. Differentiated activities and assignments will be provided for doctoral students. (On demand)

EIST 8120 Current Trends in Instructional Systems Technology

The examination of current and future trends in Instructional Systems Technologyand Human Performance Consulting. Students also examine the most current literature in the field and instructional technology professional organization trends and recommendations. As a doctoral course, emphasis will be placed on the theories that ground Instructional Systems Technology and how the theories inform research and practice in the field. Differentiated activities and assignments will be provided for doctoral students. (On demand)