The request to revise the BA in SIS to a BA in Computer Science

Date: May 14, 2015
To: College of Computing & Informatics
From: Office of Academic Affairs
Approved On: May 6, 2015
Approved by: Undergraduate Course and Curriculum Committee
Implementation Date: Fall 2015

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.

Catalog Copy

Department of

Software and Information Systems

The Department of Software and Information Systems provides a range of courses and concentrations related to the design, management, and security of software systems with an emphasis on information technology. The Department offers courses in information technology design and management; software systems design, architecture, integration, and implementation; human centered design and interaction, cyber security, health informatics, and intelligent and complex systems.

is primarily focused on (a) the study of technologies and methodologies for information system architecture, design, implementation, integration, and management with particular emphasis on system security and (b) the modeling and analysis of natural and human-generated systems such as weather, biological systems, markets, and supply chain.

Degree Programs

The Department of Software and Information Systems offers both undergraduate and graduate programs. The undergraduate program leads either to the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Software and Information Systems Computer Science or to a Minor in Software and Information Systems. Students completing any of the The Software and Information Systems concentrations described below are technicallypart of the Computer Science major but for administrative and advising purposes, students in completing these concentrations are members of the Software and Information Systems Department. The graduate program leads to a Master of Science (M.S.) in Information Technology (see the UNC Charlotte Graduate Catalog for information on the M.S. degree). Graduate certificate programs in Information Security & Privacy, Health Informatics, and Information Technology Management are also available. To assist with their studies, students have access to advanced computer labs and software where they can practice and experiment in controlled environments. In addition, the department maintains a high degree of interaction with working industry professionals who provide real-world expertise and experience.

Bachelor of Arts in Software and Information Systems Computer Science

The Within the Software and Information Systems Department, the requirements of the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Software and Information Systems Computer Science is are fulfilled by completing specific concentrations of courses designed for students interested in pursuing a career in Cyber Security, Web Development, Software Engineering, Information Technology, or Financial Services Informatics, Information Technology, Software Engineering, or Web Development. This degree program is These concentrations are designed to best prepare students to match the diverse requirements of employers. It also prepares students to pursue graduate studies in related areas. The focus of this these concentrations program includes:

  • Network-based Web and Mobile Applications Development
  • Software Engineering (design, integration, testing, and assurance)
  • e-Business Technologies
  • Information Security and Privacy
  • Human – Computer Interaction
  • IT Infrastructure Design
  • Ubiquitous Computing Emerging technologies
  • Financial Services Informatics

Under this program, the requirements for the B.A degree may be fulfilled by completing the traditional program (i.e., the Concentration in Software and Information Systems) or any of the other five concentrations. The traditional program emphasizes advanced programming and mathematics skills. It is intended for students who have a general interest in information technology and who want to maintain maximum flexibility in course selection and job opportunity. The Concentration in Cyber Security emphasizes the detection and mitigation of security threats in information systems. The Concentration in Information Technology emphasizes usability, security, and reliability of IT infrastructures, as well as writing and communications skills. The Concentration in Software Engineering integrates mathematics and computer science to achieve classical engineering approaches to software system problem solving. The Concentration in Web Development emphasizes software development using Internet and World-Wide Web technologies that are increasingly the default model for business-customer interaction. These five concentrations prepare students for a wide variety of jobs or graduate studies. The Concentration in Financial Services Informatics is designed to meet the needs of the financial services sector with a unique combination of finance and information technology courses, industry internships, and sponsored capstone projects.

A common feature of this degree program is that students in all concentrations must complete a course in critical thinking (PHIL 1106) and a course in ethics that addresses issues of information technology. A special section of LBST 2211 (Ethical Issues in Personal, Professional, and Public Life) will be designated as Ethical Issues: Technology (EI:T). Software and Information Systems majors students who complete this section of LBST 2211 (identified as ITIS 2211 for registration purposes) will fulfill both departmental and General Education Requirements for a course in ethical issues and cultural critique.

Bachelor of Arts in Software and Information Systems Computer Science with Concentration in Cyber Security

The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Software and Information Systems Computer Science with a Concentration in Cyber Security requires 121 credit hours total, including 57 hours of major courses, 12 hours of English and communications courses, 12 hours in mathematics and statistics, 10 hours of sciences, 6 hours of critical thinking and ethics, 15 hours of outside concentration, and 9-12 hours of other General Education courses and free electives.

Required Major Courses

ITIS 1600 Computing Professionals (1)

ITIS 1212 Introduction to Media Programming (4)

ITIS 1212L Introduction to Media Programming Lab I (0)

ITCS 1212 Introduction to Computer Science I (4)

ITCS 1212L Programming Lab I (0)

ITIS 2110 IT Infrastructure I: Design and Practice (3)

ITIS 2110L IT Infrastructure I: Design and Practice Lab (0)

ITIS 2300 Web-Based Application Development (3)

ITIS 3110 IT Infrastructure I: Design and Practice (3)

ITIS 3110L IT Infrastructure I: Design and Practice Lab (0)

ITIS 3130 Human-Computer Interaction (3)

ITIS 3200 Introduction to Information Security and Privacy (3)

ITIS 3300 Software Requirements and Project Management (3)

ITIS 4166 Network-Based Application Development (3)

ITIS 4221 Secure Programming and Penetration Testing (3)

ITIS 4250 Computer Forensics (3)

ITCS 1213 Introduction to Computer Science II (4)

ITCS 1213L Programming Lab II (0)

ITCS 2175 Logic and Algorithms (3)

ITCS 2214 Data Structures (3)

ITCS 2215 Design and Analysis of Algorithms (3)

ITCS 3160 Database Design and Implementation (3)

ITCS 3688 Computers and Their Impact on Society (3) (O, W)

Plus, 6 hours of approved ITIS or ITCS courses numbered 3000 or above

Required Critical Thinking and Technology Ethics Courses

PHIL 1106 Critical Thinking (3) (W)

ITIS 2211 Ethical Issues in Personal, Professional, and Public Life: Technology (3)

Required English and Communications Courses

UWRT 1101 Writing and Inquiry in Academic Contexts I (3) and UWRT 1102 Writing and Inquiry in Academic Contexts II (3)
or UWRT 1103 Accelerated College Writing and Rhetoric (3)

ENGL 2116 Introduction to Technical Communication (3) (W)

COMM 2105 Small Group Communication (3)

Required Mathematics and Statistics Courses

The mathematics and statistics requirements can be fulfilled by completing one of two course sequences.

Sequence 1

MATH 1120 Calculus (3)

MATH 2164 Matrices and Linear Algebra (3)

STAT 1220 Elements of Statistics I (BUSN) (3)

STAT 2223 Elements of Statistics II (3)

Sequence 2

MATH 1241 Calculus I (3)

MATH 1242 Calculus II (3)

MATH 2164 Matrices and Linear Algebra (3)

STAT 2122 Introduction to Probability and Statistics (3)

Elective Courses

In addition, each student must complete at least 15 semester hours in a concentration of courses that form a coherent body of study related to developing applications of information systems. At least six of the 15 hours must be upper-division courses. These courses must be completed in a major outside the College of Computing and Informatics and require approval of the student’s academic advisor.

Bachelor of Arts in Software and Information Systems Computer Science with Concentration in Financial Services Informatics

The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Software and Information Systems Computer Science with a Concentration in Financial Services Informatics requires 120 credit hours total including 36 hours of informatics courses, 27 hours in financial services courses, 6 hours of financial services capstone courses, 12 hours of English and communications courses, 9 hours of mathematics and statistics, 10 hours of sciences, 6 hours of critical thinking and ethics, and 11-14 hours of General Education courses and free electives.

Required Informatics Core Courses

ITCS 1212 Introduction to Computer Science I (4)

ITCS 1212L Programming Lab I (0)

ITCS 1213 Introduction to Computer Science II (4)

ITCS 1213L Programming Lab II (0)

ITCS 2301 Financial Services Computing Environment (3)
or ITIS 2301 Financial Services Computing Environment (3)

ITCS 3155 Software Engineering (3)

ITCS 3160 Database Design and Implementation (3)

ITCS 3688 Computers and Their Impact on Society (3) (O, W)

ITIS 1210 Introduction to Web-Based Information Systems (3)

ITIS 2300 Web-Based Application Development (3)

ITIS 3130 Human-Computer Interaction (3)

ITIS 3200 Introduction to Information Security and Privacy (3)

ITIS 3300 Software Requirements and Project Management (3)

ITIS 4220 Vulnerability Assessment and Systems Assurance (3)

Required Financial Services Core Courses

ACCT 2121 Principles of Accounting I (3)

ACCT 2122 Principles of Accounting II (3)

ECON 2101 Principles of Economics – Macro (3)

ECON 2102 Principles of Economics – Micro (3)

FINN 3120 Financial Management (3)

FINN 3221 Financial Institutions and Markets (3)

FINN 3226 Financial Theory and Practice (3)

ITIS 1301 Introduction to the Financial Services Industry (3)
or ITCS 1301 Introduction to the Financial Services Industry (3)

ITIS 3301 Introduction to the Regulatory Environment for Financial Services Firms (3)
or ITCS 3301 Introduction to the Regulatory Environment for Financial Services Firms (3)

Capstone Courses

A 6-hour, two-semester capstone sequence of courses is required.

ITIS 4640 Financial Services Informatics Industry Foundations Capstone I (3)
or ITCS 4640 Financial Services Informatics Industry Foundations Capstone I (3)

ITIS 4641 Financial Services Informatics Industry Foundations Capstone II (3)
or ITCS 4641 Financial Services Informatics Industry Foundations Capstone II (3)

Required Critical Thinking and Technology Ethics Courses

PHIL 1106 and LBST 2211 (Ethics designated sections), are dedicated to critical thinking and technology ethics. The remaining courses complete the General Education course required of all students.

Required English and Communications Courses

UWRT 1101 Writing and Inquiry in Academic Contexts I (3) and UWRT 1102 Writing and Inquiry in Academic Contexts II (3)

or UWRT 1103 Accelerated College Writing and Rhetoric (3)

ENGL 2116 Introduction to Technical Communication (3) (W)

COMM 2105 Small Group Communication (3)

Required Mathematics and Statistics Courses

MATH 1120 Calculus (3)

STAT 1220 Elements of Statistics I (BUSN) (3)

STAT 2223 Elements of Statistics II (3)

Bachelor of Arts in Software and Information Systems Computer Science with Concentration in Information Technology

The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Software and Information Systems Computer Science with a Concentration in Information Technology requires 120 credit hours total including 46 hours of major courses, 21 hours of English and communications courses, 6 hours in mathematics and statistics, 10 hours of sciences, 6 hours of critical thinking and ethics, and 10-13 hours of General Education courses and free electives.

Required Major Courses

ITIS 1600 Computing Professionals (1)

ITIS 2110 IT Infrastructure I: Design and Practice (3)

ITIS 2110L IT Infrastructure I: Design and Practice Lab (0)

ITIS 2300 Web-Based Application Development (3)

ITIS 3110 IT Infrastructure II: Design and Practice (3)

ITIS 3110L IT Infrastructure II: Design and Practice Lab (0)

ITIS 3130 Human-Computer Interaction (3)

ITIS 3200 Introduction to Information Security and Privacy (3)

ITIS 3300 Software Requirements and Project Management (3)

ITIS 3320 Introduction to Software Testing and Assurance (3)

ITCS 1212 Introduction to Computer Science I (4)

ITCS 1212L Programming Lab I (0)

ITCS 1213 Introduction to Computer Science II (4)

ITCS 1213L Programming Lab II (0)

ITCS 3160 Database Design and Implementation (3)

ITCS 3688 Computers and Their Impact on Society (3) (O, W)

INFO 3211 Technical Support (3)

Plus, 6 hours of approved ITIS or ITCS courses numbered 3000 or above.

Required Critical Thinking and Technology Ethics Courses

PHIL 1106 Critical Thinking (3)

ITIS 2211 Ethical Issues in Personal, Professional, and Public Life: Technology (3)

Required English and Communications Courses

UWRT 1101 Writing and Inquiry in Academic Contexts I (3) and UWRT 1102 Writing and Inquiry in Academic Contexts II (3)

or UWRT 1103 Accelerated College Writing and Rhetoric (3)

ENGL 2116 Introduction to Technical Communication (3) (W)

COMM 2100 Introduction to Communication Theory (3)

COMM 2105 Small Group Communication (3)

ENGL 4181 Writing and Designing User Documents (3)
or ENGL 4183 Editing with Digital Technologies (3)

ENGL 4182 Information Design and Digital Publishing (3)
or COMM 3141 Organizational Communication (3)

Required Mathematics and Statistics Courses

MATH 1100 College Algebra and Probability (3)
or MATH 1103 Precalculus Mathematics for Science and Engineering (3)

STAT 1220 Elements of Statistics I (BUSN) (3)

Elective Courses

In addition, each student, in consultation with his or her academic advisor, must complete at least 21 semester hours by either:

  1. Completing the requirements for a minor chosen by the student even if doing so requires more than 21 hours (if the minor can be completed in less than 21 hours, the remaining hours become free electives) OR
  2. Completing a series of courses in a major that does not offer a minor. These courses must form a coherent body of study related to developing applications of information systems. The courses selected must include a minimum of 9 hours of upper division courses.

In completing this requirement, students must comply with all prerequisites and other applicable academic regulations for courses offered by any department, even if doing so requires exceeding the 120-hour minimum necessary for graduation.

Bachelor of Arts in Software and Information Systems Computer Science with Concentration in Software and Information Systems

The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Software and Information Systems Computer Science with a Concentration in Software and Information Systems requires 120 credit hours total, including 52 hours of major courses, 12 hours of English and communications courses, 12 hours in mathematics and statistics, 10 hours of sciences, 6 hours of critical thinking and ethics, and 13-16 hours of General Education courses and free electives.

Required Major Courses

ITIS 1600 Computing Professionals (1)

ITIS 2110 IT Infrastructure I: Design and Practice (3)

ITIS 2110L IT Infrastructure I: Design and Practice Lab (0)

ITIS 2300 Web-Based Application Development (3)

ITIS 3200 Introduction to Information Security and Privacy (3)

ITIS 3300 Software Requirements and Project Management (3)

ITIS 3310 Software Architecture and Design (3)

ITIS 3320 Introduction to Software Testing and Assurance (3)

ITIS 4166 Network-Based Application Development (3)

ITCS 1212 Introduction to Computer Science I (4)

ITCS 1212L Programming Lab I (0)

ITCS 1213 Introduction to Computer Science II (4)

ITCS 1213L Programming Lab II (0)

ITCS 2175 Logic and Algorithms (3)

ITCS 2214 Data Structures (3)

ITCS 2215 Design and Analysis of Algorithms (3)

ITCS 3160 Database Design and Implementation (3)

ITCS 3688 Computers and Their Impact on Society (3) (O, W)

Plus, 9 hours of approved ITIS or ITCS courses numbered 3000 or above.

Required Critical Thinking and Technology Ethics Courses

PHIL 1106 Critical Thinking (3)

ITIS 2211 Ethical Issues in Personal, Professional, and Public Life: Technology (3)

Required English and Communications Courses

UWRT 1101 Writing and Inquiry in Academic Contexts I (3) and UWRT 1102 Writing and Inquiry in Academic Contexts II (3)

or UWRT 1103 Accelerated College Writing and Rhetoric (3)

ENGL 2116 Introduction to Technical Communication (3) (W)

COMM 2105 Small Group Communication (3)

Required Mathematics and Statistics Courses

The mathematics and statistics requirements can be fulfilled by completing one of two course sequences.

Sequence 1

MATH 1120 Calculus (3)

MATH 2164 Matrices and Linear Algebra (3)

STAT 1220 Elements of Statistics I (BUSN) (3)

STAT 2223 Elements of Statistics II (3)

Sequence 2

MATH 1241 Calculus I (3)

MATH 1242 Calculus II (3)

MATH 2164 Matrices and Linear Algebra (3)

STAT 2122 Introduction to Probability and Statistics (3)

Elective Courses

In addition, each student must complete at least 15 semester hours in a concentration of courses that form a coherent body of study related to developing applications of information systems. At least six of the 15 hours must be upper division courses. These courses must be completed in a major outside the College of Computing and Informatics and require approval of the student’s academic advisor.

Bachelor of Arts in Software and Information Systems Computer Science with Concentration in Software Engineering

The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Software and Information Systems Computer Science with a Concentration in Software Engineering requires 120 credit hours total, including 55 hours of major courses, 12 hours of English and communications courses, 12 hours in mathematics and statistics, 10 hours of sciences, 6 hours of critical thinking and ethics, and 10-13 hours of General Education courses and free electives.

Required Major Courses

ITIS 1600 Computing Professionals (1)

ITIS 2110 IT Infrastructure I: Design and Practice (3)

ITIS 2110L IT Infrastructure I: Design and Practice Lab (0)

ITIS 2300 Web-Based Application Development (3)

ITIS 3130 Human-Computer Interaction (3)

ITIS 3150 Rapid Prototyping and Interface Building (3)

ITIS 3200 Introduction to Information Security and Privacy (3)

ITIS 3300 Software Requirements and Project Management (3)

ITIS 3310 Software Architecture and Design (3)

ITIS 3320 Introduction to Software Testing and Assurance (3)

ITCS 1212 Introduction to Computer Science I (4)

ITCS 1212L Programming Lab I (0)

ITCS 1213 Introduction to Computer Science II (4)

ITCS 1213L Programming Lab II (0)

ITCS 2175 Logic and Algorithms (3)

ITCS 2214 Data Structures (3)

ITCS 2215 Design and Analysis of Algorithms (3)

ITCS 3160 Database Design and Implementation (3)

ITCS 3688 Computers and Their Impact on Society (3) (O, W)

ITCS 4155 Software Development Projects (3)

Required Critical Thinking and Technology Ethics Courses

PHIL 1106 Critical Thinking (3)

ITIS 2211 Ethical Issues in Personal, Professional, and Public Life: Technology (3)

Required English and Communications Courses

UWRT 1101 Writing and Inquiry in Academic Contexts I (3) and UWRT 1102 Writing and Inquiry in Academic Contexts II (3)

or UWRT 1103 Accelerated College Writing and Rhetoric (3)

ENGL 2116 Introduction to Technical Communication (3) (W)

COMM 2105 Small Group Communication (3)

Required Mathematics and Statistics Courses

The mathematics and statistics requirements can be fulfilled by completing one of two course sequences.

Sequence 1

MATH 1120 Calculus (3)

MATH 2164 Matrices and Linear Algebra (3)

STAT 1220 Elements of Statistics I (BUSN) (3)

STAT 2223 Elements of Statistics II (3)

Sequence 2

MATH 1241 Calculus I (3)

MATH 1242 Calculus II (3)

MATH 2164 Matrices and Linear Algebra (3)

STAT 2122 Introduction to Probability and Statistics (3)

Elective Courses

In addition, each student must complete at least 15 semester hours in a concentration of courses that form a coherent body of study related to developing applications of information systems. At least six of the 15 hours must be upper division courses. These courses must be completed in a major outside the College of Computing and Informatics and require approval of the student’s academic advisor.

Bachelor of Arts in Software and Information Systems Computer Science with Concentration in Web Development

The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Software and Information Systems Computer Science with a Concentration in Web Development requires 120 credit hours total, including 55 hours of major courses, 12 hours of English and communications courses, 12 hours in mathematics and statistics, 10 hours of sciences, 6 hours of critical thinking and ethics, and 10-13 hours of General Education courses and free electives.

Required Major Courses

ITIS 1600 Computing Professionals (1)

ITIS 2110 IT Infrastructure I: Design and Practice (3)

ITIS 2110L IT Infrastructure I: Design and Practice Lab (0)

ITIS 2300 Web-Based Application Development (3)

ITIS 3105 Server-Side Applications and Data Management (3)

ITIS 3110 IT Infrastructure II: Design and Practice (3)

ITIS 3110L IT Infrastructure II: Design and Practice Lab (0)

ITIS 3130 Human-Computer Interaction (3)

ITIS 3150 Rapid Prototyping and Interface Building (3)

ITIS 3200 Introduction to Information Security and Privacy (3)

ITIS 3300 Software Requirements and Project Management (3)

ITIS 4166 Network-Based Application Development (3)

ITIS 4170 Advanced Client Applications (3)

ITIS 4221 Secure Programming and Penetration Testing (3)

ITCS 1212 Introduction to Computer Science I (4)

ITCS 1212L Programming Lab I (0)

ITCS 1213 Introduction to Computer Science II (4)

ITCS 1213L Programming Lab II (0)

ITCS 2214 Data Structures (3)

ITCS 3160 Database Design and Implementation (3)

ITCS 3688 Computers and Their Impact on Society (3) (O, W)

Plus, 6 hours of approved ITIS or ITCS courses numbered 3000 or above.

Required Critical Thinking and Technology Ethics Courses

PHIL 1106 Critical Thinking (3)

ITIS 2211 Ethical Issues in Personal, Professional, and Public Life: Technology (3)

Required English and Communications Courses

UWRT 1101 Writing and Inquiry in Academic Contexts I (3) and UWRT 1102 Writing and Inquiry in Academic Contexts II (3)

or UWRT 1103 Accelerated College Writing and Rhetoric (3)

ENGL 2116 Introduction to Technical Communication (3) (W)

COMM 2105 Small Group Communication (3)

Required Mathematics and Statistics Courses

The mathematics and statistics requirements can be fulfilled by completing one of two course sequences.

Sequence 1

MATH 1120 Calculus (3)

MATH 2164 Matrices and Linear Algebra (3)

STAT 1220 Elements of Statistics I (BUSN) (3)

STAT 2223 Elements of Statistics II (3)

Sequence 2

MATH 1241 Calculus I (3)

MATH 1242 Calculus II (3)

MATH 2164 Matrices and Linear Algebra (3)

STAT 2122 Introduction to Probability and Statistics (3)

Elective Courses

In addition, each student must complete at least 15 semester hours in a concentration of courses that form a coherent body of study related to developing applications of information systems. At least six of the 15 hours must be upper division courses. These courses must be completed in a major outside the College of Computing and Informatics and require approval of the student’s academic advisor.

Suggested Curriculum

For a suggested curriculum for this degree to map out a path toward completing the major, please see the Academic Plan of Study available online at

Minor in Software and Information Systems

This program is designed to provide students with the Information information Technology technology knowledge necessary for today’s information-based society. Students will not only gain hands-on knowledge of how to use the Internet to develop effective and easy-to-use applications but also will understand critical issues in designing information systems such as requirements development, integration, security and privacy, legal and policy considerations, and project management.

Course Requirements

The minor requires a minimum of 18 credit hours. Students may include no more than three (3) ITCS courses in the SIS minor. Students must take at least two upper-division courses. Students must receive a grade of C or above in a course in order for that course to count toward the SIS minor.

Required Courses (9 credits)

ITCS 1212 Introduction to Computer Science I (4)

ITCS 1212L Programming Lab I (0)

ITIS 1210 Introduction to Web-Based Information Systems (3)

ITIS 2300 Introduction to Web-Based Application Development (3)

Elective Courses (9 credits)

Select 3 of the following courses:

ITCS 1213/1213L Introduction to Computer Science II (4)

ITCS 3160 Database Design and Implementation (3)*

ITCS 3688 Computers and their Impact on Society (3) (O, W)

ITIS 2110/2110L IT Infrastructure I: Design and Practice (3)

ITIS 3110/3110L IT Infrastructure II: Design and Practice (3)*

ITIS 3130 Human-Computer Interaction (3)

ITIS 3150 Rapid Protyping and Interface Design (3)

ITIS 3200 Introduction to Information Security and Privacy (3)*

ITIS 3300 Software Requirements and Project Management (3)*

*These courses have their own prerequisite requirements (which are also in this list). Students must complete all prerequisites.

Early Entry: Master of Science in Information Technology

Exceptional undergraduate students at UNC Charlotte may be accepted into the M.S. in Information Technology program and begin work toward a graduate degree before the completion of their undergraduate degrees. Up to four courses from a list of approved graduate level courses may be double-counted toward both the master’s and the undergraduate degrees of the students. Criteria for admission include:

  1. An undergraduate student may be accepted into the Early Entry Program at any time after the completion of 75 credit hours of undergraduate work applicable to the appropriate degree, although it is expected that close to 90 credit hours will have been earned by the time the first graduate level course is taken.
  2. The student must have achieved a minimum overall GPA of 3.2.
  3. The application process and all required documentation (e.g., test scores, transcripts, letters of recommendation) for Early Entry Program applicants are the same as those for regular applicants to the master’s program, with the exception that GRE test scores are waived for early entry applicants. Admission must be recommended by the Department of Software and Information Systems and approved by the Graduate School. The admission status will be “provisional” pending the award of the student’s undergraduate degree.
  4. Students accepted into the Early Entry Program will be subject to the same policies and regulations that pertain to other matriculated graduate students. Generally, Early Entry students are expected to finish their undergraduate degrees before they complete 15 credit hours of graduate level coursework.

College of Computing and Informatics

The University of North Carolina at Charlotte’s College of Computing and Informatics (CCI) is part of a dynamic and exciting, educational, and research institution that combines the knowledge and expertise of multidisciplinary faculty, industry professionals, and students. The CCI was formed in 2000 as the College of Information Technology, with the mission of educating information specialists, conducting leading-edge research, and partnering with area businesses of great importance to the Charlotte community and the University. It was renamed the College of Computing and Informatics in 2006 in an effort to reflect the College’s commitment to maintain relevancy with the ever-changing world of information technology that impacts all of our lives on a daily basis.

The College of Computing and Informatics consists of three departments:

 Department of Bioinformatics and Genomics

 Department of Computer Science

 Department of Software and Information Systems

The three primary missions of the CCI are:

 to educate and prepare the computing and informatics professionals of tomorrow

 to conduct leading-edge research in enterprise information systems

 to partner with area industry to develop computing and informatics solutions

Degree Programs

With educational programs rooted in a strong foundation of research, the CCI combines the talents of on- and off campus partners in achieving its mission. Academic programs include Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Ph.D. degree programs in computer science, software and information systems, information technology, and bioinformatics and computational biology. Committed to the concept of life-long learning, the College also offers undergraduate and graduate certificate programs.

The College offers a single entry to the Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science and a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science with the curriculum for specific concentrations in the Departments of Computer Science, Software and Information Systems, and Bioinformatics and Genomics.

A key component of all CCI academic programs is the team interaction between students, faculty, and community partners. Through their involvement in real-world projects, students apply what they learn, thus, giving them practical experience as they help businesses solve computing and informatics challenges.

Additional Programs and Opportunities

Experiential Learning and Service Opportunities

Students are encouraged to participate in professional work experiences in support of their academic and career development through the cooperative education, 49ership, internship, and service programs offered to them. The College works with the University Career Center to expand experiential learning offerings to enable more students to graduate with career-related experience. For more information about experiential learning opportunities, please see the University Career Center section in this Catalog.

Cooperative Education Program

By participating in the Cooperative Education program, students in Computer Science and in Software & Information Systems programs may pursue their education along with alternating semesters of full-time work experiences so that they may be better prepared to enter their chosen professional career. Interested students should contact the University Career Center for more information.