Honorary Degree Conferred at 2024 Spring Commencement

Categories: News

Lynn J. Good, chair, president and chief executive director of Duke Energy, received an honorary Doctor of Public Service for her countless efforts on behalf of UNC Charlotte and the citizens of Charlotte, the region, the state and around the world, during the morning commencement ceremony held Friday, May 10, 2024 (Inside UNC Charlotte). Please note that you can nominate anyone you believe deserves this recognition.

One of the highlights of UNC Charlotte’s Commencement is the recognition of individuals for exceptional and distinctive service to the University or the larger community with an honorary degree from UNC Charlotte. Please assist by nominating persons for this honor.

By way of background, the following criteria have been established by the Board of Trustees regarding prospective nominees:

1. exceptional and distinctive achievements on behalf of the University, the region, state or nation;

2. state, national or international esteem because of activities recognized as significant in higher education;

3. eminent achievement in scholarship, high distinction in public affairs, outstanding accomplishments in humanitarian endeavors or artistic attainment;

4. high qualities of character and personal reputation;

5. not currently employed by The University of North Carolina at Charlotte;

6. former faculty and staff eligible if they have achieved distinction in a second career or in work unrelated to their university positions;

7. merit rather than popularity.

A nomination should include the full name of the nominee, a vita, resume and/or biography (if available), and a statement of the rationale for the nomination. Confidentiality is very important. Therefore, the nominee should not know of his or her nomination. In addition, if you have previously nominated an individual and would like to share any additional contributions of that nominee, you are welcome to submit supplementary materials. Nominations should be directed to Matt Wyse, Faculty Governance Assistant, Office of Academic Affairs, UNC Charlotte (FacultyGovernance@charlotte.edu).