2022-2023 Faculty Governance Elections

Categories: News

To: UNC Charlotte Faculty

From: Faculty President Susan Harden

Re: 2022-2023 Faculty Governance Campus-Wide Elections

Please vote in this year’s Faculty Governance campus-wide elections. These positions are vital to the continuing leadership we faculty members are privileged to exercise on our campus. The Constitution of the Faculty states: “The Faculty accepts the major portion of accountability for the quality of instruction and scholarship at this university” (Article III, Section 2). We do this especially through the Faculty Council and its Standing Committees. I encourage you to participate by voting in this year’s elections. The elections will remain open until 5:00 PM on Friday, April 22nd.

A link to the ballot will be sent to the Faculty via email from the Office of Academic Affairs on Monday, April 11, 2022. Any questions can be sent to facultygovernance@charlotte.edu.

Thank you for your participation.

— Susan